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Aigor - 2011-09-24 02:54:13
Phillip Jack Brooks 185 cm 110 kg Chciago,Illinois 33 lata
Go To Sleep/Roundhouse Kick Springboard Closthline,Shinning Wizzard Followed By Bulldog Diving Bulldog - Dropkick Calf Kick- Scoop Powerslam- Slingshot Plancha- Welcome to Chicago Motherfucker- Pepsi Twist lift Anaconda Vise- Devil Lock DDT- Punkhandle Driver- Casedora DDT- Bow And Arrow- Diving Elbow Drop Suicide Dive Backdrop lift Neckbreaker Rolling Cutter Falcon Arrow Crooked Moonsault Pepsi Plunge Step Up Enzugiri Running Neck Snap Russian Leg Sweep Snap Suplex DDT Diving Knee Lift Running Neckbreaker Pendulum Backbreaker Steamroller Slam Tilt-a-Whirl-Backbreaker Swinning Neckbreaker Scoop Lift Reverse DDT Triangle Dropkick Springboard Crossbody Superplex Slingshot Somersault Senton Swinning Neckbreaker into Knee Saito Suplex Briding Fisherman Suplex German Suplex Tornado DDT Knee Drop Vertical Suplex Hagman's Neckbreaker Inverted Superplex Piledriver Muscle Buster
Modifed Bow and Arrow 45 special Muta Lock Koji Clutch Haas Of Pain